南湖新闻网讯(通讯员 杨报)磷是植物生长所必需的大量元素,是细胞内生物大分子(蛋白质、核酸等)和代谢小分子(磷脂、三磷酸腺苷等)的重要组分。磷脂是植物细胞磷素的重要存储库之一,膜磷脂中储存的磷(脂质磷)占细胞总磷的1/3至1/2。叶片是植物最大的营养器官之一,叶片在衰老过程中会将细胞中的各种营养元素如碳、氮、磷和钾等转移到新的组织中,进而提高营养元素的利用效率。叶片细胞中含有丰富的脂质磷,衰老叶片中超过90%的磷素可以被转运到新组织中,但脂质磷回收再利用的途径和机制还鲜有报道。
近日, Genome Biology以“Phospholipase-mediated phosphate recycling during plant leaf senescence”为题在线发表了我校油菜团队最新研究成果。该研究中发现油菜等植物叶片衰老过程中由磷脂酶介导的膜磷脂水解是植物细胞磷回收的关键途径之一。衰老诱导表达的非特异性磷脂酶C4 (Nonspecific phospholipase C4, NPC4)和磷脂酶Dζ2 (phospholipase Dζ2,PLDζ2)是介导这一代谢过程的关键磷脂酶。

图1. 油菜叶片衰老过程中膜磷脂被大量降解

图2. 油菜叶片衰老过程中磷脂酶介导的磷素回收模型
Phosphorus is a macronutrient necessary for plant growth and development and its availability and efficient use affect crop yields. Leaves are the largest tissue that uses phosphorus in plants, and membrane phospholipids are the main source of cellular phosphorus usage.
Here we identify a key process for plant cellular phosphorus recycling mediated by membrane phospholipid hydrolysis during leaf senescence. Our results indicate that over 90% of lipid phosphorus, accounting for more than one-third of total cellular phosphorus, is recycled from senescent leaves before falling off the plants. Nonspecific phospholipase C4 (NPC4) and phospholipase Dζ2 (PLDζ2) are highly induced during leaf senescence, and knockouts of PLDζ2 and NPC4 decrease the loss of membrane phospholipids and delay leaf senescence. Conversely, overexpression of PLDζ2 and NPC4 accelerates the loss of phospholipids and leaf senescence, promoting phosphorus remobilization from senescent leaves to young tissues and plant growth. We also show that this phosphorus recycling process in senescent leaves mediated by membrane phospholipid hydrolysis is conserved in plants.
These results indicate that PLDζ2- and NPC4-mediated membrane phospholipid hydrolysis promotes phosphorus remobilization from senescent leaves to growing tissues and that the phospholipid hydrolysis-mediated phosphorus recycling improves phosphorus use efficiency in plants.